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Gambaran status reproduksi pada sapi perah melalui pengukuran progesteron susu dengan metoda elisa M.A. Setiadi; Adnin Adnan
Hemera Zoa Vol. 74 No. 2 (1991): Jurnal Hemera Zoa
Publisher : Hemera Zoa

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Determinan of reproduction status was carried out 16 lactation dairy cows at Faculty of veterinary Medicine and Faculty of Animal Science - IPB bt measurement of milk progesteron level by enzyme Immunoassay.This result could concluded that : 1 cow post oestrus, 3 cows dubius pregnant and 5 cows pregnant.Confirmation by rectal palpation was done one week later and shown that: 4 of 5 diagnosed pregnant, 1 cows need recheck.The accuracy of milk progesteron assay by enzyme immunoassay (EIA) in this case was 80% for positive pregnant.-------------------------------------------------------------------------Telah dilakukan penentuan status reproduksi terhadap 16 ekor sapi perah yang berada di Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan dan Fakultas Peternakan - IPB, melalui pengukuran kadar estrogen susu dengan menggunakan Enzyme immunoassay.Dari hasil Penelitian tersebut dapat ditentukan 3 bentuk status reproduksi yaitu berahi, lewat berahi dan bunting, di mana 7 ekor sapi dubius bunting dan 5 ekor bunting.peneguhan diagnosa dilakukan dengan palpasi rektal seminggu kemudian dan menunjukan 4 dari 5 ekor dinyatakan bunting.Ketepatan diagnosa uji progesteron susu dengan  Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA) untuk kasus ini adalah 80% untuk positif bunting.
Mempelajari potensi vaksin newcastle disease galur komarov, La Sota dan B1 diaplikasikan melalui makanan Masduki Partadiredja
Hemera Zoa Vol. 74 No. 2 (1991): Jurnal Hemera Zoa
Publisher : Hemera Zoa

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Penelitian tentang potensi vaksin galur Komarov, La Sota dan BI dengan aplikasi peroral melalui makanan telah dilakukan di laboratorium Imunologi, Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan IPB Bogor. Sebagai hewan percobaan telah digunakan ayam jantan petelur galur Shaver Starcross dari PT. Cargill Indonesia. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan 4 perlakuan dan masing-masing diulangi 4 kali. Perlakuan pertama melaksanakan vaksinasi dengan galur vaksin Komarov, perlakuan kedua denga vaksin La Sota, perlakuan ketiga dengan vaksin BI dan perlakuan keempat kelompok kontrol, tanpa vaksinasi. Setiap perlakuan digunakan 50 ekor ayam, sehingga seluruhnya diperlakukan 4 x 4 x 50 ekor = 800 ekor.
Nitrogen and energy balance in lactating and non lactating goats which obtained additional ration ofo cooked cassava and urea Nathan Katipana; Sastradipraja D.
Hemera Zoa Vol. 74 No. 2 (1991): Jurnal Hemera Zoa
Publisher : Hemera Zoa

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This research used 27 of Etawah crossbred goats which consisted of 18 lactating and 9 non lactating. The ration used were three kinds namely ration A consisted only of fresh elephant grass added with uncooked cassava and urea, and ration C consisted of fresh elephant grass added with cooked cassava and urea.Nitrogen and energy retention of lactating and non lactating goats as the results of the applications of ration C and ration B are high significantly (p < 05) superior than ration A. Nitrogen andn energy retention as the result of the application of ration C are not signiificantly from that of ration B.Milk production due to the applications of rations C and B are higher than ration A (p < .05). Application of ration C increases the content of solids, solid non fat, protein and the spesific gravity of the milk. It also increases the production of  fat, solids, solid non fat and protein of the milk. It seems that the contents of solid and solid non fat are determined by the value of protein. It is concluded that addition of cooked cassava and urea can improve the utilization of foodstuff protein.
Akurasi berbagai metode untuk mengukur produksi susu babi S. Prawirodigdo
Hemera Zoa Vol. 74 No. 2 (1991): Jurnal Hemera Zoa
Publisher : Hemera Zoa

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Indonesia akhir-akhir ini mulai giat memasok kebutuhan daging babi pada negara-negara tetangga. Ribuan ternak babi di ekspor dari Kalimantan ke Singapura. Guna memenuhi kebutuhan daging babi baik untuk keperluan ekspor maupun keperluan konsumsi nasional, maka penelitian-penelitian yang mempunyai peranann dalam meningkatkan produksi ternak babi sangat berguna. Studi mengenai produksi susu babi selalu mengundang pertanyaa, terutama mengenai siapa konsumen susu tersebut. Tentu saja konsumennya adalah anak-anak dari induk babi itu sendiri. Produksi susu babi adalah suatu faktor penting yang dapat menjadi pembatas pertumbuhan anak-anak babi (Prawirodigdo, 1987).
Bovine virus diarrhea - Mucosal disease has been broken out in Indonesia, initially in 1988. Some cattle sera surveyed were serological positive. In this outnreak Bali breed cattle, Brahman Cross, Sahiwal, local Ongole breed, local breed cattle and buffaloes of all ages and of both sexes were affected. Morbidity rate was 0.23 to 30% and mortality rate was 0.02 to 90%. The clinical form of the disease was acute with profuse watery diarrhea as the predominant symptom. The fluid feces was malodorou F.X. Soesilo
Hemera Zoa Vol. 74 No. 2 (1991): Jurnal Hemera Zoa
Publisher : Hemera Zoa

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Bovine virus diarrhea - Mucosal disease has been broken out in Indonesia, initially in 1988. Some cattle sera surveyed were serological positive. In this outnreak Bali breed cattle, Brahman Cross, Sahiwal, local Ongole breed, local breed cattle and buffaloes of all ages and of both sexes were affected. Morbidity rate was 0.23 to 30% and mortality rate was 0.02 to 90%. The clinical form of the disease was acute with profuse watery diarrhea as the predominant symptom. The fluid feces was malodorous. Some cattle were suffering erosive lesions of the buccal mucosa. Death caused usually by progressive dehydration and weakness. Transmission occurred through direct and indirect contact. Imported cattle were suspected as the source of infection.  
The use of strawmix in cattle fattening ration B. Soewardi; D. Sastradipradja; Suryahadi Suryahadi
Hemera Zoa Vol. 74 No. 2 (1991): Jurnal Hemera Zoa
Publisher : Hemera Zoa

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Two experiments were carried out to study the use of rice straw as the sole source of roughage in ration for cattle fattening. In each experiment 16 heads of young bulls, Frisian Holstein (FH), and Australian Commercial Cross (ACC). were arranged in completely randomized design with 4 different roughages as treatment criteria: (i) elephant grass as control, (ii) unprocessed rice straw, (iii) urea treated rice straw, (iv) CaO traated rice straw. No significant difference in weight gain among treatments in both experiments exist. In the firrst experiment the average daily gain (ADG) for treatment 1, 2, 3 and 4 was respectivelly 0.75, 0.78, 0.89, and 0.78 kg, while in the second experiment the ADG was respectively 0.51, 0.48, 0.71, and 0.62 kg per head per day. On the average the FH bulls performed superior gain of 0.80 kg/head/day while the ACC is moderate (0.58 kg/had/day). In the first experiment no significant difference in dry matter consumption among treatments obtained. In the second experiment the dry matter consumption of elephant grass was lower compared to strawmix. FH bulls show higher consumption of dry matter (3.1% of live weight), while the value of ACC bulls is only 2.5% live weight.  Feed efficiency is not statistically different among treatment in both experiments, namely 9.1, 8.0, 7.4 and 8.4 kg dry matter/kg ADG in the first experiment, and 13.9, 19.6, 11.8, and 14.8 dry matter/kg ADG in the second experiment. FH bulls show higher efficiency of 8.2% while ACC bulls is only 15.0%.
The effect of bursectomy on the production of serum antibody againts ndvaccine in the indonesian native chickens and white leghorn Hartini Sikar; D. Sastradipradja
Hemera Zoa Vol. 74 No. 2 (1991): Jurnal Hemera Zoa
Publisher : Hemera Zoa

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Two groups of chickens were surgically bursectomized at 3 days of age. One week after the operation the experimental chickens were injected i.m. with ND vaccine starin La Sota. The 2nd injection was given 4 weeks after the ist injection. All injected chickens showewd an increase in HI-serum antibody titer. The response to the 2nd injection was higher than the ist The bursectomized animals showed lower HI antibody titer than the non busectomized after the ist injection, but a reverse response was observed after after the 2nd injection. Lymphocyte count showed a similar pattern as the HI antibody titer. Better responses were observed in the Indonesia native chicken compared to the white Leghorn. The increase of the serum globulin levels in both groups after the ist injection, the beta and gamma serum globulin levels in almost all injected chickens were elevated, except fot the bursectomized. White Leghorns, where the gamma globulin fraction was not increases.
Taksiran kerugian produksi daging akibat infeksi cacing saluran pencernaan pada ternak domba Simon HE; Risa Tiuria; Fadjar Satrija
Hemera Zoa Vol. 74 No. 2 (1991): Jurnal Hemera Zoa
Publisher : Hemera Zoa

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Sebanyak 100 ekor domba jantan dan betina yang berasal dari Kotamadya dan Kabupaten Bogor dicatat berat karkasnya pada waktu penyembelihan di jagal dan contoh tinjanya diperiksa secara kuantitatif terhadap telur cacing saluran pecernaan. Terdapat korelasi negatif yang nyata (r= 0,4126; dk=3 : 76; P < 0,005) dengan indeks determinasi (r2) 0,1702, antara jumlah ttgt didalam tinja dengan cerat karkas domba. Dari sampel dengan rata-rata berat karkas 16,3 kg terdapat 80% dengan rata-rata berat karkas 15,4 kg yangmengandung telur cacing nematode, cestoda dan/atau trematoda. Hanya 20% yang negative dengan rata-rata berat karkas 19.8 kg. Dari yang positif, 27% menderita infeksi tunggal nematode, 7% cestoda, 8% trematoda, 9% infeksi campuran nematode dan cestoda, 7% nematode dan trematoda, 9% cestoda dan trematoda serta 13% infekasi campuran nematode, cestoda plus trematoda. Dari infeksi tunggal yang berjumlah 38% dan infeksi campuran sebanyak 42% terdapat 56% infeksi nematode, 38% cestoda dan 37% trematoda. Infeksi tunggal nematode mengakibatkan penurunan berat karkas sebesar 21, 72%, cestoda 9,60% dan trematoda 7,07% disbanding dengan berat karkas kelompok negatif. Infekski campuran nematode dan cestoda mengakibatkan penurunan produksi daging yang paling banyak (41,92%), disusul oleh infeksi campuran nematode, cestoda plus trematoda (34,34%). Domba jantan mengalami infeksi yang lebih berat dengan presentase penurunan berat karkas yang lebih besar disbanding dengan domba betina. Helminthiasis, ditambah interaksi dengan factor-faktor lain, mengakibatkan kerugian produksi daging dari ternak domba yang ditaksir antara 17,75 – 24,77% atau 3,2 – 4,4 juta kg atau Rp. 7,68 – 10,56 milyar atau US$ 4,8 – 6.6 juta pertahun.
Gambaran status reproduksi pada sapi perah melalui pengukuran progesteron susu dengan metoda elisa M.A. Setiadi; Adnin Adnan
Hemera Zoa Vol. 74 No. 2 (1991): Jurnal Hemera Zoa
Publisher : Hemera Zoa

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Determination of reproduction status was carried out 16 lactation dairy coes at Faculty of Veterinary of Animal Science - IPB by measurement of milk progesteron level by Enzyme Immunoassay.This result could concluded that : oestrus, post oestrus and pregnant, respectively, where as 7 cows were oestrus, I Cow post oestrus, 3 cows dubius pregnant and 5 cows pregnant. Comfirmation by rectal palpation was done one week later and shown that : 4 of 5 diagnosed pregnant, I cows need recheck.The accuracy of milk progesteron assay by Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA) in this case was 80% for positive pregnant.
Isolation and typing of canine parvovirus from dogs fecal in some area in Indonesia E. Raharjo Jusa; G. Mudiarto; M. Aeny Rochman Noor; S. Bahri Siregar; M. Partadiredja
Hemera Zoa Vol. 74 No. 2 (1991): Jurnal Hemera Zoa
Publisher : Hemera Zoa

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Canine parvovirus (CPV) has supopsedly been in Indonesia since 1981, but the isolation of aetiological agent has never been reported. In the present study, isolation and typing of CPV in Indonesia is presented. Out of 180 fecal samples collected from unvaccinated dogs were detected 12 isolated virus by using haemagglutination test after growing the virus in CRFK cell line. Typing the isolates were done with monoclonal antibodies. The results showed that all of the isolates are of "new type".

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